Diversity, equity & inclusion
We embrace and celebrate people of all experiences and backgrounds as it makes us stronger.
We value a positive, collaborative, and caring culture based on respect and allyship. We will be open and transparent about how far we still have to go.
We are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where everyone can be themselves, feel they belong, and have equal opportunities.
We are stronger together and together we all thrive.
cultivate a culture of respect and equity
embrace and value our differences, stories, experiences, ideas
inspire each other and create an environment of learning
A message from our CEO
“We want to make Empire Life a great place to work, learn and grow. This includes treating each other with respect, holding ourselves and each other accountable, valuing diversity, promoting equity and striving for inclusion. We recognize it takes work to ensure all members of our community feel a sense of belonging, and we are committed to making this happen. We are incorporating DEI strategies into all facets of our organization to help our customers and staff feel seen, heard and supported. We know there remains much work to be done, and we are committed to creating meaningful change in our workplace and beyond.”
— Mark Sylvia, President and CEO