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Provider submitted claims make it easier to claim for the most popular paramedical services and vision care

Tue, 11/05/2019 - 14:57

Empire Life has enhanced its eClaims suite of tools to make it faster and easier for plan members to get reimbursed for health care claim costs. Starting today, providers of the most popular paramedical services, and vision care, can submit claims on behalf of plan members, as soon as the service is provided.

At the clinic, plan members pay only what their plan doesn’t cover—or, if they pay the full amount, real time adjudication means the money is usually back in their bank account in 24 hours. This service will be profiled on the plan member website.

Fraud prevention and detection is important, so providers must be registered with providerConnect in order to use this service. 

We’re building our digital business platform for connectivity. This service enhancement is just one small example of the work we’re doing to provide a better customer experience, and position Empire Life as a company that's easy to recommend.  

Read more about our point of service claims submission.