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Empire Life Emblem GIF Portfolios

If you need a diversified investment solution that matches your investment goals and risk tolerance, our Empire Life Emblem GIF Portfolios may be suitable for you – all in a single decision. 

Each Emblem GIF portfolio invests primarily in a strategic mix of equity and fixed income securities – aimed to increase potential return and lower volatility.

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Empire Life Emblem GIF Portfolios - Lower to Higher Expected Risk and Return. Diversified Income, Conservative, Balanced, Moderate Growth, Growth, Aggressive GrowthEmpire Life Emblem GIF Portfolios Global - Lower to Higher Expected Risk and Return. Global Conservative, Global Balanced, Global Moderate Growth, Global Aggressive Growth.

Why an Empire Life Emblem GIF Portfolio?

A description of the key features of the individual variable insurance contract is contained in the Information Folder for the product being considered. Any amount that is allocated to a Segregated Fund is invested at the risk of the contract owner and may increase or decrease in value. Empire Life Emblem GIF Portfolios currently invest primarily in units of Empire Life Mutual Funds.

The Simplified Prospectus and other information about each of the underlying mutual funds are available on the SEDAR website at or at