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Managing your risk

Insurance coverage is the first line of defence in risk management.

For those who are underinsured, a death or change in health can be financially devastating to a business, family or individual.

Having duplicate coverage or being over-insured can also prove ineffective by wasting money better spent elsewhere.

In either case, having the right balance in insurance is essential to a healthy financial plan.

Determining your needs

A number of factors can help you to determine how much insurance you may need. Tools such as complex calculators, software and formulas can help you with this type of estimate.

Doing the math

Ask yourself these four basic questions to start the process:

  • How much debt do you owe?
  • What assets do you need to protect?
  • How much money will you need when you retire?
  • How much cash would you like to leave to your beneficiaries?

Our financial advisors can help

Our advisors can help you to complete various questionnaires that can determine how much you need and which product will help you achieve your financial goals.