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The right specialists for the employee’s condition

If an employee is searching for a specialist, the FindBestDoc team can help. They take into account the employee’s unique medical history and geographic location. Once they’ve completed their research, they provide the employee with a comprehensive physician search report, to share with their treating physician. He or she can refer the employee to the chosen specialist. Best Doctors can help identify specialists such as internists, cardiologists, neurologists and more. 

How this benefits employees 

Customized recommendations
Best Doctors works with employees to understand their needs and conduct a personalized search for a specialist. Our search always begins within the Best Doctors network.

Best-in-Field Specialists
Best Doctors locates the right specialists for the employee’s condition from their database of peer-nominated experts. This give employees peace of mind that they are making an informed medical decision.

Best Doctors helps navigate the healthcare system quickly to ensure employees are connected with the right specialist for their condition.